AT&T IP Flexible Reach Customer Portal: Enterprise Administrator Support

Create an Administrator


As an Enterprise Administrator for the AT&T IP Flexible Reach Customer Portal, you can create other Enterprise Administrators to be at your level in the IP Flexible Reach hierarchy. You can also create and manage Group and Department Administrators.


You assign administrator permissions when you create the account. Permissions can later be changed by another administrator.


When you create or edit an administrator's profile, you can assign only permissions that you currently have. For example, if you have Delete Administrators permission, you can give that permission to another administrator. If you don't have Delete Administrators permission, you can't give that permission to another administrator.


You create administrators from the Premier home page.


To create an administrator

  1. Log in to Premier. Or, from the Customer Portal, click Premier Home at the upper-right of the page. The Premier homepage appears.
  2. In the Administrator and User Profiles tile, under Manage Administrators and Users, click Add Administrators. The Create an Administrator page appears.
  3. Under Login Profile Information, enter information for the administrator you want to create. You must complete all required fields.
  4. Under Permissions: Tools and Applications, set permissions for the new administrator.
    • To create an Enterprise Administrator, under Permission Level, select Enterprise level (all groups).
    • To create a Group Administrator, under Permission Level, select Group level. Next, in the Enter Group ID box, enter the group ID for the group associated with this administrator.
    • To make an administrator a Department Administrator, under Permissions, select Department level.
      • In the Enter Group ID field, enter the group ID for the group that will be associated with this administrator.
      • In the Enter Department name field, enter the department name that will be associated with this administrator.

    Note: Before you can create a Department Administrator, you must go to the IP Flexible Reach Customer Portal and create the department. For details, see Create a Department.

  5. To create this administrator, click Continue. (To discard your changes, click Cancel) The Create an Administrator Verification page appears.
  6. Verify that the information is correct, and then click Submit. To make changes, click Back. (To discard the information you've entered, click Cancel.)

Create an Administrator: Related Topics

About Administrators

What an Enterprise Administrator Can Do

Administrator List Page

Administrator Details Page

Search for and View Administrators

Manage an Administrator

Delete an Administrator


Enterprise Admin Help

Group Admin Help

Department Admin Help

End User Help