IoT consulting and professional services

Simple to complex, the AT&T IoT Professional Services teams can help you design, roadmap, and implement your IoT vision from proof-of-concept to mass deployment.

Full service support for your IoT solutions

Professional services for IoT

  • Discovery and plan

    Strategy and business planning with an IoT and technology roadmap.

  • Design

    Gather systems requirements and design an IoT architecture built for the user experience.

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  • Develop and integrate

    Develop process and support models for end-to-end IoT platforms and provide configuration and testing.

  • Deliver and deploy

    Configure operation system, deploy assets, and provide an advanced exchange implement support program.

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  • Operate and manage

    End-to-end operational support with SIM Management and training. Provide billing and reporting, regular health checks, and troubleshooting.

  • Secure

    Review security on IoT devices and applications, network and cloud, and operations.

IoT solutions for Supply Chain

Cold chain logistics

  • Benefits

    Gain continuous visibility and monitoring of location and environmental status. Improve visibility, compliance, safety, and performance.

  • Manage expectations with:

    • Rule-based status alerts for chain-of-custody validation
    • Customized reports, BI analysis, performance tracking, analytics
    • Integrated shipping information
  • Better compliance

    Utilize IoT wireless gateways plus sensor-based tags to comply with pharma, bio, and food safety regulations (e.g. FSMA, HACCP, etc.)

  • Read the Cold Chain solution brief

IoT Consulting

Solutions designed to fit your needs

Consulting and Integration

Take your vision from proof-of-concept to mass deployment and reap the benefits of IoT technology. AT&T provides consulting for your migrating to 4G, 5G guidance, and for your overall IoT strategy.


Supply Chain

Gain continuous visibility and monitoring of location and environmental status. Improve visibility, compliance, safety, and performance.


Sports Venue Practice

Sports venues are small cities. As teams invest in adjacent real estate, lines blue between venue, district, and municipality. We offer a team of sports industry veterans and technology advisors focused on the unique business needs of sports.


IoT Professional Services for your industry

IoT Consulting

Key features

Features Details
Holistic approach Identify implementation and management requirements. Develop prioritized use cases and scenarios that extract business value. Define streamlined device logistics with customized, integrated solutions.
Security consulting Our unique value proposition includes a holistic approach to organize and optimize the security initiatives across your business.
Innovation consulting Our network of innovation advisors can support your in-house resources or augment leadership and staffing gaps.
Data consulting At the center of a robust IoT strategy is your data. Our data advisors focus on making data useful through exclusive data partnerships that aid in interpreting and forming actionable insights.


Learn how other IoT Professional Services can transform your business


A structured framework to ensure that IoT solutions connect business strategies to improved outcomes.  AT&T can help by offering strategy and design, recommend IoT devices and implementation services, and identify life cycle management process.

Scale and longevity in design, time and resource savings, lower cost implementations, expert partner ecosystem.

A programmatic approach to address IoT security risks.  AT&T helps ensure the entire IoT ecosystem is designed, implemented, managed, and monitored efficiently and is consistent with internal security policy, best practices, and industry regulations.

AT&T IoT Professional Services can help you to develop a 3G to 4G migration plan, as well as source competitively priced 4G hardware that is best for your organization.

AT&T can help prepare your organization for 5G evolution adoption. Our consultants familiarize themselves with your organization and the problems you are facing to help create solutions that will propel your enterprise forward.

Accelerate the learning and implementation curves of your technology program. Leverage AT&T's experience in IoT, Integration, design, and architectural services. Take advantage of AT&T's Managed Services.

Talk to an AT&T Business expert


Monday - Friday, 7am - 7pm CT

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