Roof manufacturing

In addition to finding ways to protect its employees against the virus during the pandemic, Duro-Last®, Inc. wanted to convert several of its manufacturing lines to begin producing personal protective equipment for local hospitals.


Shifting production operations and enabling staff to work remotely

  • Challenges

    COVID-19 forced Duro-Last to quickly comply with government orders for all but essential workers to shelter in place. They went from 40 workers using the VPN to 192. They needed the bandwidth to support remote work and send enormous CAD files.

  • Results

    AT&T doubled the company’s bandwidth, enabling staff to work efficiently from home. It also allowed Duro-Last to convert 4 production lines to make sanitizers, hospital gowns, and masks. They also enhanced the cybersecurity of their network.

  • Solution

    AT&T installed new circuits that amplified bandwidth. AT&T VPN scaled with the higher-volume to continue providing highly secure connections for the teams. AT&T Cybersecurity solutions enabled the IT team to easily monitor network traffic.

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The World’s Best Roof® manufacturer

Two employees wearing blue smocks, medical gloves, and masks are reviewing a machines screen diagnostics.

About Duro-Last

Duro-Last is the world's largest manufacturer of custom-fabricated, thermoplastic, single-ply roofing systems. Their factory-controlled, custom processes can eliminate up to 85% of field seams, resulting in lower labor costs and easier installation.
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